Monday, August 24, 2009

First Day of School

The first day of school! We got their bags filled with some cool stuff for lunch or snacktime. Then I drove them to school,
where I should drop them of at the
curb and leave. I of course could not do that so I held up
traffic while I walked my nervous children
Being the first day, all of the teachers were
busily assisting children, and we felt a little
unnoticed as we walked in. But we found
class, and
both of the
"English" teachers were
in there
and made him feel comfortable right away. Than we
found Kirtlyn's class and she was a little bit nervous.
In this school they will do an hour of Spanish and an
hour of English. Thomas starts his day in his English
class. Kirtlyn started her day in her Spanish class, and
the spanish teachers don't really speak any English. This
was a little nerve racking, but she does know two of the boys
very well so I sat her next to them with a puzzle, and one of the
teachers came over to sit with her as I ran out the door to
move my car that had already been blocking traffic for Minutes
at this point.
I also had my Bilingual friend call the school to make sure
everyone is ok. So I can be sure all is well!
I do know that the kids will be fine, and I am
grateful that they are now able to go to a private Bilingual
school, rather than an all Spanish speaking public school, but
it is hard to leave a child on the first day...
Thomas gave each of the kids a blessing that promised they would
learn their Spanish. That Kirtlyn would be a good example to the
other kids and they would want to be like her. That little Thomas would
be able to be kind to all of those around him and learn to communicate
and be heard, and that he would play well with the other kids. Thomas even
gave Hyrum a blessing because he climbed up on the chair after the kids
were done. So Hyrum was blessed to be able to learn Spanish and accomplish
all he needs to do in his day...very sweet!
How blessed we are to have the priesthood and promised blessings from the Lord.
Even now I feel sure all will be well! Thank you all of your help, for prayers, and keeping us close in your thoughts! We love you!


  1. The first day of school is such a big day. I'm glad all is going well. Andrew loves preschool here. You are going to have some smarty-pants kids who know two languages!

  2. Diana, I hope so! This first week has been a mess, I just pray they can settle into their classes!
    By the way I have been meaning to tell us that the casa next to us is for
    sell, and there are two more in our coto that are for rent! I wonder if you are interested in moving down?!

  3. I finally got home to my computer where I could look at your blog. Everyone has been telling me about it and how they were teary eyed to read how you had to leave them at a strange school in a strange country where they may or may not speak to them in their language. I admit it was hard for me to read about it too. I just want to come down and teach them what little Spanish I know. Or I could teach them some Portuguese and they could probably get along just fine. In any case, Dad and I have put their names on the Temple roll, so a lot of people are praying for them. They'll be fine, I know. I just have to have the faith that they have themselves.

  4. I know, I shouldn't have been so detailed about our first day of school experience. The Blog was just the first thing
    I did after dropping them off at school, I guess I just really needed to
    let it all out.
    Thank you for thinking so much of them and keeping them close to
    your heart. The temple roll was real inspiration, I know that will be a blessing!
    I am striving to do what is best for them at all times, and
    we have practiced spanish words, it's just too early to tell if it is working. I can tell you this though, Hyrum waves when I tell him to
    say Hola or Adios... so there is comprehension there!!
    I know the Lord will guide us and bless us as we do our best!

  5. oh my gosh were you so scared for them .I can't believe they get to go to school in Mexico.
