Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Another New Mexican Holiday

Tami and an old friend from school, Jamie, came over tonight to introduce us to a new Mexican

The tradition is that each individual at the party cuts into a traditional loaf of bread, hoping that they might be the one to find a tiny baby Jesus figure that is hidden inside the bread. (I felt pretty silly when I found this out, after I had already cut the entire loaf!:)

Somehow I was the one to find the baby Jesus, which promises good luck all year. Plus, I am to serve a meal, like Tamales, for everyone who was at this party, on Feburary 2nd. Very Nice!

This is a holiday celebrated by everyone in Mexico, it is called "Día de los Reyes Magos," Or day of the Kings. A holiday remembering the wise men who traveled to meet their new King. You can buy the bread everywhere, Walmart had hundreds of loaves. Tami taught us that the loaf is made circular because the wise men had to walk in a circle on their journey. We had a great time learning about this holiday, and we are sure the kids will want to celebrate it no matter where we happen to live!!


  1. In Portugal, they celebrate "O Dia dos Reis" also. They have beautifully decorated round loaves of bread everywhere, just like Mexico. I really thought it was just a Portugal thing. But I guess, maybe it's a Catholic thing. Anyway, I think it's a good idea. It's from the wise men, after all, that we get the idea of giving gifts for Christmas.

  2. Yes, it is a Catholic holiday, that many Mormons celebrate.
    Our friends from Puerto Rico celebrate it too, and they are
    LDS. I guess it is just because there is nothing wrong with
    remembering the wise men, and of course having another
    excuse to give gifts!!

  3. Scott and I were in Cancun one year, to celebrate that, we got to eat the bread, and I found the baby Jesus. I thought it was a very cool tradition.
