Saturday, July 10, 2010

baby business

I just wanted to let everyone know that we have reason to breath easy!!
This pregnancy has already by-passed the length of our last two pregenancies.
If this had been little Thomas' pregnancy, we would have had
him two weeks ago. If it had been Hyrum's, we would have gone
in this week to deliever.

Not this time!:) We are blessed to know that this baby shows
no problems, she is progressing properly, and she has even turned.
Thomas and Hyrum never made it that far.
We are so grateful that all is well!

The planned C-section is offically scheduled for August 7th, and we do plan to make
it that far!!
We will deliever in a Very nice hospital with a Great, bilingual doctor.
She has taken good care of me, and insists I call her directly for all of my needs,
I have not had to worry about her availability. If we do go to the hospital early,
she will have us call her first, than go to the hospital. So she can meet us there
and have everything all set- up and ready before we even get there. I believe
we are in good hands!

We are grateful for your thoughts and prayers in our behalf, and look forward
to sharing more good news with you soon!!
Jenn, Thomas, and the kiddios!!


  1. I keep forgetting you are preganant! Where are the picture of your cute belly?? I'm sorry you have to have a c-section but it is for the best and I am so glad that everything is looking good. I wish you all the best with the delivery!

  2. Congrats! I'm glad she is doing good!

  3. We didn't even know you guys were expecting! Congrats! We'll keep you in our prayers!

  4. we are so excited and glad to hear everything is going well. keep us posted. tell the kids hi and we miss them like crazy!!
