Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Conference Comments

I know it has been over a week since Conference, but I was so proud of the kids, I wanted to show you what they did. We gave them each a poster board to draw and color anything they see, hear, or learn from the meeting. This is what they came up with!
The first poster is Thomas', a picture of the tree of life that he say when Sis. Dibs, President Monson's daughter was talking and they showed a picture of the tree of life!
Then you will see Kirtlyn's poster with her tree of life, a picture of the "big piano," or the Organ in the center, and in the bottom left and corner is the the entire family saying prayer together. It was so exciting to see what the kids got out of Conference, and to see them paying attention at least for a little while!
I felt so up lifted and encouraged by conference, and there was a new appreciation for the blessing we have to receive the meeting in Mexico. To realize that I am one of those individuals who would not have been able to see it if it had not been for the broadcasting system!! What a blessing! So many of the talks really touched, but the one that I recall most often since the meeting was President Uchtdorf's reminder that we should be listening for the Lord's voice as we search and ponder the scriptures, as we hear our children laugh, and in our everyday life!
I know the Lord loves us and that is why he has given us a prophet upon the earth today, and we are blessed to know and enjoy that blessing!


  1. Adorable pictures!!! So way better than what my "Tree of life" drawing would look like!!! We miss you guys!!

  2. Thank you for sharing the kids' pictures of conference. I can tell that they were touched by it as we were. What a wonderful conference it was.

  3. I love how kids are so creative and can express stuff through art. How cute, I love it!

  4. Wow! Thank you for reminding of such great messages! I am very impressed by your children's art and listening. I am going to use that idea for my own kids. I also liked to hear what you did for your Dad's birthday. It is always important to remember our family. I love you Jenn! Thanks for uplifting me today!
