Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Adventures with Flat Shayci

La Fuente Minerva, this is the main glorietta (round-about) in Guadalajara. She is the custodian of the city, the custodian of Justice, Knowledge, and Strength

This is the
Tapatillan (People from Guadalajara are called Tapatillos) version of the Arc de Triom
phe. It says that Guadalajara was founded 14 Feb 1542 as the capitol of the kingdom of New Galicia (Spanish Province).

Jennifer and the kids are standing in front of the aqueduct. It just has plants and flowers growing out of it now, but it once carried water through the city. It is right by my school and goes right over one of the major roads.

Here are
Thomas and the kids standing on the corner of the Minerva Glorietta. There was a Burger King on one of the other corners that we went to eat lunch at.

Here is Thomas sitting on a fence on the side of the road. You can see in
the distance how green everything is here. It is still rainy season and it just rains like crazy. You can also see some of the big houses here. In the picture you can only see the top two or three stories, they really are huge and beautiful.

Here is a real "Mexican Cowboy"or caballero.
He was riding through a huge forest park
area near our friends the Curtis' house.


  1. Love the cowboy pic. that's awesome! I'm glad Shayci sent you herself in the mail so we could see all around guadalahara (sorry i just sounded it out i'm sure it's wrong)It is good to see pics of you every now and then, I would prefer it more often, you should at least make it a weekly thing! We miss you here in AZ!!!
    Love you guys!

  2. Looks like you guys are having lots of fun down there. It's really pretty.

  3. So awesome! We are so glad to see all the fun you guys are having! Does it quite beat Tiffany Square's antique photo spots and the burst of green from the weeds springing from the dead grass? Hmmm, tough one.

  4. Lucky flat Shayci! Thank you for blogging those pictures of the kids. They look happy. And Mexico is beautiful. I also liked the cowboy picture even though none of our beautiful babies was in it.
