Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Christmas in October

My brother Jeff's roomate served his mission here and came down to stay with us. We got a special surprise when
we found Grandma Anna sent little gifts for everyone!
It was was like Christmas in October, we set the toys out on the
night stand and the kids woke up and saw their new gifts! They loved it!
They played all day!
But no one was happier than Thomas and I who got carmal for
carmal apples, and Brown Sugar.... Wow! Brown sugar that actually
works for making the most important things, like Cookies!!


  1. That is so cool! I love seeing pictures of the kids! It seems like forever! I'm really starting to miss them!It is so funny how you get so excited over brown sugar. It's like you live in a different country or something :)

  2. I know your kids are getting so big, I know
    I won't believe they are the same kids when I
    see them!
    I guess mom didn't have any brown sugar or
    maple extract in Portugal, I wonder what she did
    to survive?:)
